Wednesday, June 30, 2010


My beloved friend and former tutor saw a man jump in front of the express train today. As you can imagine, she's not taking it very well. For those that pray, please pray that she feels better soon. She can't stop thinking about it and it's really bothering her a lot. And for everyone else that watched it happen too.

I wish I could do more for her. How do you deal with watching someone commit suicide? I can't even begin to think of how I would cope. I told her I hoped she would feel better soon. I said I was sorry that she had to see that. I want to give her a hug. Thinking about how upset she is makes me upset, even more so because I can't take her memory away.

The idea of being in her shoes terrifies me. I pretty much only have one month left. I'm still holding on to the hope I won't have to witness this myself. I love you Japan, but this is too scary for me to handle.


  1. Wow...I'll be sure to pray for her. I've never witnessed a train suicide in Japan, but I know someone who's seen the aftermath of one...he shuddered every time he mentioned it.

  2. OMG. So it' real. About Japanese committing suicide in the train. I pray no one will ever do it again. I will be there in Spring and I pray no one will commit suicide.

