Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Well, I found that doctor. I got my papers signed and everything even though the IEC told me not to worry about it anymore since the health department hadn't called about me. Oh, well. At least I accomplished it.

I visited the Kansai region this past weekend to visit friends, Emi, Akiyo, and Juan, who were exchanges at UMD in the 2007-2008 school year. They were just too good for me! They took me to all the places I wanted to go to, I stayed over at the apartment of one of them and they gave me an early birthday present! It was simply wonderful. The only thing I was really disappointed about was how my Japanese failed me. I barely understood what they said to me, and if I did, it was hard to respond. Augh. It's times like this whether I even have the mental capacity to fully grasp a foreign language. Sure, I can learn some phrases, read a little bit of it and whatnot, but is that all I can do? It feels like it.

Anyway, my trip was a great reunion. I'm so happy I was able to see them. Unfortunately, my friend Ayane wasn't able to join us. She originally had planned to come, but she had a job interview that Sunday.

So yeah, here are the pictures. There are quite a lot.




1 comment:

  1. do not doubt your japanese!!! i heard that it takes three or four months of immersion before you really start understanding. you're getting there! don't give up hope!!!


